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Our Spring and Growing Topic

The children in F2 are having lots of fun engaging in our Spring and growing topic.  We have read non fiction books about the season and looked for signs of Spring outside.  We had a special trip to the farm to see some newborn animals and have written some fantastic recounts.  We are spending lots of time in our class thinking about growing plants.  We have been looking at the roots and veins of plants and made some observational drawings.  We have also planted some cress and have been watching it as it grows, recording changes in our cress diaries.

We found some strange beans in our classroom … then one morning, a beanstalk grew!  We have enjoyed guessing what could be at the top.  We have been reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.  We have retold the story using our small world figures and roleplay.  We have sequenced the events of the story too, using story language.  We will be retelling the story using a story map, then changing some elements to make our own story.  

In maths we have been adding and subtracting in different ways: using objects, numicon shapes, fingers and counting on and back.  We have been doubling by making ladybird doubles with the same amount of spots on each side.  We have also been halving groups of magic beans between our teddy bears.  We are continuing to practise counting backwards from 20 and have enjoyed some fun aiming games outside finding the number 1 fewer than a number.