We have signed Year 5 up to Class Dojo. This an interactive tool which allows communication between school and home and we feel would be particularly useful at this time. You will hopefully have received an email which contains an invite to join and a link to download the app. Within the app all conversations between yourself and the class teacher (Mr Whittle) are private but there is also a whole class message board as well. We feel this will be particularly useful in providing feedback for children’s work as you are able to upload pictures for Mr Whittle to see and provide feedback, ask and answer any questions and queries and also to keep up-to-date. In addition, children can also login to their own portfolio and upload work for feedback or ask any questions. Children can follow the QR code which will be emailed out as soon as possible. All is completely private and only the class message board is visible by all.
We believe that this is a very exciting way of us staying connected and means we will be able to provide feedback to children and on the wonderful home learning that we know has been taking place.
If you have questions please contact school.