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Attendance and punctuality

We are very proud of our high attendance figures which we have now maintained for a number of years.  We are similarly proud of our good levels of punctuality.  These figures are the result of effective policies to promote good attendance and punctuality which are fully supported by the vast majority of our parents.

Whilst we understand that everyone can have the occasional ‘late’, there are currently a small number of children who are late on a regular basis.  To remind everyone, school starts at 8.55am every day.  Lessons begin promptly at 9am.  All children who arrive at school after 8.55am must enter school via the main entrance. Please do not disturb lessons by knocking on classroom doors or windows to gain entry to the building.

Pupils who continue to be late on a regular basis will be contacted by letter and asked to attend a meeting with the Headteacher and Education Welfare Officer (EWO).