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Electronic copies of all letters sent home, in PDF form, for you to download or share. Paper copies can be obtained via the school office should you need extras or replacements. Please check your child’s bags and reading folders regularly.

Revised Holiday Pattern 2020/21

The second half of the Summer term has been a great success. The staff team worked incredibly hard to ensure the wider re-opening went ahead on 22nd June. In addition to our key worker children over the past 3 weeks, we have welcomed Y6, Y1 and Reception pupils back to school. We are now at capacity. We have also ensured that remote learning continues smoothly for those accessing learning at home.  My thanks to parents / carers for supporting our new procedures in school and to those continuing with the challenges of home learning.

We have now started planning for the return of all pupils for the start of the new school year. With this in mind, the governors have taken the decision to allocate an additional INSET day for staff training in the September.

The additional INSET day is Wednesday 2nd September. This means school will re-open to pupils on Thursday 3rd September. A copy of the revised holiday pattern is attached and available on the school website ( There is also a change to the Spring term and school will now re-open on Monday 4th January 2021.

Revised Holiday Pattern 2020-21

Operation Encompass

On 21st January 2019 St Mary’s RC Primary and Nursery School is implementing a new project that will run jointly between schools and Greater Manchester Police. This project is called Operation Encompass.  It aims to support children who are affected by domestic violence by ensuring that their school is informed. This allows the school to support the children. If you have any other questions about this project, please do not hesitate to contact the school.