Here in EYFS our current topic is ‘People Who Help Us’. In F2 we began by talking about all of the people who help us in different ways. The children have taken a particular interest in firefighters so we have been doing lots of firefighter role play outdoors and learning about firefighters in literacy. We have been making our own non fiction books all about fire fighters too and are focusing on writing simple sentences independently using our phonics and tricky words. On the creative table we have been painting fire engines and making fire collages.
We have been talking about times when we have been ill and the people who helped us. The children are loving our doctor’s role play area and our hospital small world area and have acted out lots of stories.
In our discovery area we are thinking all about looking after God’s wonderful world by recycling. We are sharing books about recycling and sorting different recyclable materials.
In our maths area we have been playing lots of games to help our number recognition: bingo is a firm favourite! We are counting groups of objects and comparing the quantities. Some of us have even started counting in twos. We are also adding and subtracting using objects.
You can help your child in their learning at home by practising counting backwards from 20, as well as saying the number that is one less/fewer than a number. Please continue helping your child to practise their tricky words that were sent home and to read their book for a short time each night. Also look for writing opportunities throughout the day to build your child’s writing confidence: can your child help you to write a shopping list? A sign for the door? A little note or card for a family member? Remember that we love to share your home learning on Tapestry.