Please find attached a letter from the Director of Public Health regarding the wider re-opening of school.
The letter in full is below
Letter - Dr Jeanelle de Gruchy
Please find a range of resources to support your prayer life at home.
Daily Home Prayers WB 8.6.20
Sunday Liturgy for Families - Sunday 7th June
Ten:Ten Parent Newsletter
15 prayers during school closure
This week Class Dojo has been rolled out to parents and children in years 2, 3 and 4. Year 5 have been trialing the app for the past week and it has proved extremely successful. It is an excellent tool for communicating between school and home. Teachers are able to answer questions and queries relating to home learning and...
Emma has been busy baking delicious gingerbread men and growing onions and beans. She has been checking on them everyday to see how much they have grown.
More fantastic work from Year 5 submitted to Class Dojo. Cody has written a wonderful poem about his time in lockdown, how much he misses everyone and his frizzy hair! Amelie has designed an excellent poster encouraging everyone to stay happy and demonstrating social distancing with monsters! Finally, Ella has been hard at work completing extra comprehensions and maths...
Members of Year 5 have begun uploading their work to their portfolio on Class Dojo for Mr Whittle to check, comment and feedback. They have been exceptionally busy with their home learning which is great to see. Cody has been busy with his maths and English and his Amazon research; Anna has been working hard on her grammar and...
We have signed Year 5 up to Class Dojo. This an interactive tool which allows communication between school and home and we feel would be particularly useful at this time. You will hopefully have received an email which contains an invite to join and a link to download the app. Within the app all conversations between yourself and the...
Before school closed children in F1 took home a seed and planted it. Ellen has sent in this photo of hers which is now 45cm high! Each morning she is counting the leaves t see if it has grown. also, Lottie has been enjoying reading about Jack and the Beanstalk, rearranging jumbled sentences, making story maps and written her...
Alba has been using plastic cups for her phonic work, blending letters to make words. She has also been counting Lego brick and putting them into the correct number cup. Keep up the hard work.
Year 3 continue to lead the way with their exceptionally hard work. Raymond has been working hard learning about the parts of a plant and keeping up with his RE work; at home Connor has been concentrating really hard and produced some brilliant work; whilst Fern has written a wonderful poem about walking in the PE district; Logan and...
Year 4 have put together a wonderful video to celebrate VE day last Friday. The children performed the poem VE Day by Angel Barrow. It was beautifully read and put together and was an excellent tribute. Well done to all involved. All the staff at school are very impressed with your efforts and are very proud of you all.
In school we use the Heartsmart scheme of work to help children during PSHE lessons. They have produced a range of videos featuring Boris the Robot, that can be used at home and a range of fun family activities. They also have a live video each day on You Tube. Follow the link below.
Heartsmart Family
Gracie ad Charlie have been hard at work helping out their local food bank. Last week they set up a family food bank at home, raising donations to deliver to St Mary’s food bank. Gracie and Charlie decorated a box with posters and left the box in their garden each day for all their local family, friends and neighbours...
Anne Frank's diary has been the topic for Isabella. She has put a lot of time and effort into creating a very detailed timeline of Anne Frank. She has also researched her life and read parts of her famous diary and wrote about her life. Very detailed and interesting work.
William has been hard at work on his DT project researching different food groups and calories and their benefits to the human body. He has then written a set of instructions for making a burger before following them to produce this delicious meal. Apparently, the best part was the eating. Being a burger expert I can agree that it...
Sofia has been listening to Goldilocks and the Three Bears story which she really enjoyed. She has then done some role play with the bears sat at the table with their porridge and Sofia playing Goldilocks. It looks like you had a wonderful time.
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