Dear Parents and Carers, Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday. In our lessons, liturgies and reflections we have been recalling the events leading up to Jesus’ death whilst also looking forward…
Dear Parents and Carers, We’ve all seen a real change in the weather this week as temperatures have dropped. The dramatic change in temperature hasn’t stopped classes from getting out and …
Dear Parents and Carers, Years 3 and 4 are busy rehearsing for their Easter play. Its lovely to hear their beautiful singing voices echo around school. The weather has also been glorious…
Dear Parents and Carers, I hope everyone enjoyed the half-term break and were able to catch up with family and friends. The children have settled back into school life and are working hard…
Dear Parents and Carers, I’m delighted to be able to share the news that we have been awarded a grant of £5,000 to support the further development of our school library. My thanks to Mrs W…
Dear Parents and Carers, We are rapidly approaching the half term break. Unfortunately, this week we have seen an increase in positive cases across the school. This means some of our class…
Dear Parents and Carers, Another busy and successful week in school. One of the highlights was the wonderful creative work our EYFS children have produced on Chinese New Year. Looking ahea…
Dear Parents and Carers, The Hats Off to Denton competition has certainly captured the children’s imagination this week and we have some super designs to share with you. Our Friends of St …
Dear Parents and Carers, We hope you had a very happy Christmas and we wish all our pupils, parents and carers a very happy new year. The rapid spread of the Omicron variant in recent week…
Dear Parents and Carers, We have finally made it to the end of term and what a term it has been! First of all, I need to say a big thank you to all the staff of St Mary’s who have worked …
Dear Parents and Carers, We continue to celebrate Advent in school. The children have learnt about the Advent Wreath. There are also beautiful Advent displays in the classrooms and entranc…
Dear Parents and Carers, It’s hard to believe that the second week of Advent begins on Sunday. In the Gospel we will hear about John the Baptist, a voice in the wilderness, focussed on his…
Dear Parents and Carers, This weekend sees the start of Advent and our preparations for Christmas begin in earnest. It’s been lovely to hear the sound of Christmas Carols in the school on…
Dear Parents and Carers, We have come to the end of another busy week in school. Rehearsals are underway for our EYFS and KS1 Christmas plays. Our key focus in school this school has been…
Dear Parents and Carers, This week has flown by – we have been so busy in school. Our focus has been on the Maths Week England initiative and the children have enjoyed additional maths ses…
Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome back to St Mary’s! We hope you had an enjoyable and restful half-term break. We wish everyone in our school community all the best in what promises to be a…
Dear Parents and Carers, The children looked amazing for FOSM’s Funky Hair Day today. We have seen an abundance of colour, glitter and some feats of awe-inspiring structural engineering in…
Dear Parents and Carers, As we come to the end of the sixth full week of the first term, it’s good to reflect on how things are progressing so far. To begin with, it’s great to see how har…
Dear Parents and Carers, The children continue to work incredibly hard in school. It’s wonderful to see so many happy faces around school. The children are becoming so organised in remembe…
Dear Parents and Carers, Many thanks for your very generous donations to CAFOD (£115 to date) and St Mary’s Foodbank this week in support of our non-uniform day for CAFOD’s Amazon Communit…
Dear Parents and Carers, I can’t believe we have come to the end of our third full week – how quickly time flies. We’ve enjoyed another busy week in school and its good to see how enthusia…
Dear Parents and Carers, We had a lovely day in school on Wednesday to celebrate the Feast of our Patron Saint, Our Lady of Sorrows. The day started with a special whole school prayer ser…
Dear Parents and Carers, The mixed weather has certainly impacted on some of our activities in school this week. Filming for Aladdin has been delayed and sports lessons have also been dis…
Dear Parents and Carers, This week has flown by in school and has been filled lots of exciting activities as we begin to prepare for the end of the school year and the changes that lie ahe…
Dear Parents and Carers, This week is National Sports Week and have started our School Sports Days for each separate class bubble. The Y4 and Y6 children really enjoyed the experience and…
Dear Parents and Carers, We have certainly made the most of the lovely weather in school this week, with many lessons and activities taking place outdoors. This week, I have also been remi…
Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome back! We hope that everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing half term break. The children have returned to school keen and eager to learn. We were also deli…
Dear Parents and Carers, Thank you for your attendance at our Parent – Teacher meetings over the past couple of weeks and for all the positive feedback to staff. It is much appreciated. We…
Dear Parents and Carers, This half term is flying by. It’s hard to believe we are already at the bank holiday weekend. The children continue to work hard and enjoy their lessons. The highl…
Dear Parents and Carers, I hope you all had a lovely Easter holiday and enjoyed the very welcome good weather. The new term has started well in school, the children have returned with a po…
Dear Parents and Carers, We have finally arrived at the end of the Spring term. It has been yet another extraordinary time in school. I would like to thank all of the children, their fam…
Dear Parents and Carers, It’s hard to believe that we are rapidly approaching the end of the Spring term and the great Feast of Easter. The children have settled back in school brilliantl…
Dear Parents and Carers, Red Nose Day has brought a smile to everyone’s face today as the children (and staff) have looked fantastic in their superhero costumes. Superheroes always help ot…
Dear Parents and Carers, It has been wonderful to have all our children back in school this week. The children have settled down so well. They have been really happy to see each other and …
Dear Parents and Carers, We are all looking forward to welcoming the everyone back to school next Monday. Please be assured, we will do our best to ensure that all children feel safe and e…
Dear Parents and Carers, This week, the Prime Minister announced the government’s plan for the return of all pupils to school and colleges as part of their roadmap for leaving lockdown. S…
Dear Parents and Carers, Once again, a big thank you to parents for the support you are giving your child with their home learning. The children have submitted some fantastic work this we…
Dear Parents and Carers, Another excellent week of learning at St Mary’s both for children in school and those at home. The class teachers have been delighted with the range of subjects th…
Dear Parents and Carers, Well done to all the children who are currently home learning – we are so proud of you! Your engagement with remote learning has been absolutely fantastic. All ou…
Dear Parents and Carers, As we come to the end of the second week of home learning for most of our pupils, we want to keep you updated as to the developments which we have taken as a schoo…
Dear Parents and Carers, Happy New Year! What a week this has been for everyone! Following the government’s announcement late on Monday night, I was so proud to be able to re-open school …
Dear Parents and Carers, We have finally made it to the end of term and what a term it has been! First of all, I need to say a big thank you to all the staff of St Mary’s who have worked …
Dear Parents and Carers, Classes are now putting the finishing touches to their Advent Reflections and EYFS children are filming their special nativity this morning. We are all looking for…
Dear Parents and Carers, Advent preparations are now well underway in school. Each class has made a beautiful hand-crafted Advent calendar to help them count down to the coming of Jesus at…
Dear Parents and Carers, This coming Sunday, 29th November, is the first Sunday of Advent and we begin our countdown to Christmas. Advent is a time of waiting and preparation. It is a time…
Dear Parents and Carers, It’s hard to believe that this weekend it is the Feast of Christ the King. The time is flying by in school. This week our focus has been on Anti-bullying. Our spec…
Dear Parents and Carers, I hope, despite the poor weather, you were able to enjoy the half term holiday. Thank you to all the parents who sent Covid notification to us during the break. E…
Dear Parents and Carers, I can’t believe we have just finished our seventh week back at school – it really has flown by so quickly. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all mem…
Dear Parents and Carers, The weather has definitely turned much colder this week. We will soon be hunting round for our woolly hats, scarves and gloves. The children have still enjoyed th…
Dear Parents and Carers, I hope you have had an enjoyable week. The weeks are certainly flying by in school. We have been so pleased with the way the children have settled into our new rou…
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