Reading Bees have arrived in EYFS! Each class has a Queen Bee and three Reading Bees. The bees love to share books with your children at home. Each Wednesday, three children will take home a reading bee bag, containing a bee and a special book. The bee will listen along to the books that you enjoy with your child at home for a week: it can be the school library book, books from home, or maybe your bee would like a trip to the local library! Please use the book to record some of the books that your child (and the bee!) have enjoyed: this could be a picture of a favourite story from your child, or a parent/carer writing about which books your child has enjoyed and recording what your child thought about them. On the following Wednesday, the bees return to school to report back to the Queen Bee and the rest of the class about the books that your child has been enjoying at home.
Happy reading!