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Winter Topic in F1

This half term in Nursery we have been very busy learning all about Winter.  We have used our senses to look for signs of Winter outside and discuss the changes we have seen.

In Literacy we have focussed on the books ‘Say hello to the snowy animals’ and ‘Lost and Found.’  We have been working hard on developing our mark-making skills practising different patterns each week and also thinking carefully about the initial sounds in words we can hear.  The children have helped to create story maps of each story and also innovated the stories to change and add our own pages and endings.

In phonics we have focused on alliteration and played lots of fun games to get us tuned into hearing the initial sounds of words.  The children have especially loved making our own silly soup!

In Maths we have continued to focus on numbers to 5 but also been working on suing some new vocabulary to describe quantities- ‘more, ‘less’ and ‘same’.  The children have enjoyed singing new counting songs and rhymes around our polar animal theme and have also been practising counting other things that can’t be moved such as jumps and claps.

We have been thinking a lot about changes we can see outside during Winter and also exploring ice in different forms.  The children have discussed clothes to wear in Winter weather and also learnt the names of some arctic animals.  We found out that Penguins are from the South Pole and what it is like there.  We have also celebrated Chinese New year and tried some yummy Chinese food. The children enjoyed making lanterns and finding out about the Zodiac calendar and animal race.

In R.E we have been getting to know Jesus and how he showed love to other’s.  We have learnt about some of the miracles he performed and also thought about how we can show our love and be kind to others.

We have loved our new weekly dance lesson in the hall, practising some basic movements and also listening carefully to instructions. The children have mastered taking off/ putting on their shoes and socks in record time!  Their favourite activity was singing ‘sleeping bunnies’ but changing the names and movements to some of the arctic animals we have learnt about in class.

In PSHE we have been learning about how we are all special and unique and the children have been able to think about what makes them who they are.  They particularly enjoyed making their ‘I am special crowns’.

Outdoor learning has been fun with lots of discussions around the Winter weather we have experienced and also the signs of winter in the environment.  Children have been busy making winter soups in the mud kitchen, fixing things in our new tool station and dressing the dolls ready for the winter weather.

Our next topic is ‘Under the Sea’ with a special trip to the Sea life Centre planned for 10th March.  We will also be beginning our ‘Little Biker’s course in school each Friday next half term where children will learn to ride a balance bike.

What a great start to 2020 it has been in F1.  Have a lovely February half term everyone 🙂