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Arrangements for September 2021

21st  July 2021

Arrangements for the start of the new school year – September 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am now able to share with you the arrangements we have put in place at St Mary’s for September.  Over the past 18 months, we have implemented covid safe working practices for all across school.  We have also found that many of these new practices have had a positive impact on other aspects of school life e.g. safeguarding, health and safety and behaviour.   For this reason, they will be retained.  The safety and wellbeing of your child continues to be our number 1 priority.  It is important that you read through all this guidance to ensure you are aware of the arrangements for September.

With the lifting of restrictions this week, we now have a new ‘everyday’ risk assessment in place.  As you are no doubt aware, Infection rates remain high throughout Greater Manchester and Tameside is an ‘Enhanced Response Area’.  As such, we face the possibility of a local outbreak during the Autumn term.  If this happens, Public Health will require us to implement our ‘Covid Outbreak Management Plan’.

All our risk assessments can be found on our school website.

 Maintaining a safe school environment

The following actions for infection control will continue in the new term:

  • Display of coronavirus infection control measures posters
  • Good hand and respiratory hygiene.
  • A rigorous cleaning routine across the school day with a cleaner is on site at all times.
  • Isolation of any unwell pupils in a separate room, and provision of a separate bathroom, before the child is collected by his/her parent from school.

In addition, as per the current NHS guidance, if any member of your household (including children) develops coronavirus symptoms, everyone (including children) should stay at home for 10 days.  Symptoms include a high temperature or a new, continuous cough.  More information regarding symptoms and actions can be found on the NHS website (   Anyone who displays symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) can and should get a PCR test.  Tests can be booked online through the NHS website ( or ordered by telephone via NHS 119.  Please do NOT send your child or their siblings to school. We ask that parents/carers inform us of any absences / test results in the normal way.

 Contact Tracing / Test and Trace

From September, schools will no longer be responsible for contact tracing.  This responsibility will be assumed by NHS Test and Trace.  In addition, children will no longer be required to self-isolate following a positive case in their class (unless they have been identified by Test and Trace as a close contact).


 School attendance continues to be mandatory and the usual rules will apply.  Parents of pupils with significant risk factors are advised to discuss their concerns with school, please contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance either via Class DoJo or

School uniform and PE kit

Please send your child to school in full school uniform.  Smart back shoes and school ties are required for all pupils until the Summer uniform which may be worn after the Easter break.  Pupils may only wear stud earrings.  No other jewellery is allowed.

On days when your child has PE, we ask that your child comes to school in his/her St Mary’s PE kit wearing trainers.  On cooler days, a pair of navy tracksuit bottoms / leggings and a navy sweatshirt may be worn.  The Governors’ school uniform policy is available at:   Below are the details of PE days for 2021 – 2022

 Extra-curricular provision

Our after-school programme will be announced in the Autumn term.

Arrangements for the start and end of the school day

  • Only pupils and staff will be allowed in the school building.  Parents are asked to phone or email school with any questions or concerns.
  • There will be 3 pupil entrance/exit points (Kynder St, Cooke St and Park Road gates).  We ask that parents do not to enter the school site in the morning.  Pupils are to enter via the designated gate in the morning between 8.45 – 8.55.
  • Parents may, however, enter the school site to collect their child from the school playground at the end of the school day (3.15pm).  To ease congestion, we advise parents to use the same gate at the start/end of the day.

You will be informed of your child/ren’s entrance gate by email by the end of the week.  


At this point in time, we remain unable to accept bicycles into school.

 The school day

The following protective measure will remain in place:

  • The one-way system
  • Staggered breaktime
  • Pupils may bring a lunchbox and a small bag for essential. No large rucksacks please.
  • Pupils will need a filled water bottle for their personal use
  • KS2 pupils may bring a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable for playtime.

Support for pupils and families

We understand that the pandemic has been and will continue to be challenging for many families.  We also continue to recognise the need to focus on pupils’ emotional wellbeing. The following support will continue to be place for pupils in September:

  • Personal, Social, Health and Emotional (PSHE) lessons with a focus on mental health and well-being
  • Each class has been allocated a Teaching Assistant who is able to offer pastoral support
  • Mrs Helen Kiely (Caritas School Social Worker) is able to offer more specialist support / counselling
  • Access to support from external agencies

I do hope that these arrangements provide you with the information you need for the start of the new school year and that you are re-assured that the safety of all has been our number one priority.  Once again, thank you for your patience, understanding and continued support. We are really looking to being back together   in September.

Have a lovely summer holiday – stay safe!

Yours sincerely,

Ms D. Reeves


St Marys Covid 19 Risk Assessement Step 4 19072021

St Marys Covid 19 Outbreak Management Plan 19072021